
Set up a Portuguese limited liability company in 5 days!

Counter wise to what happens in other countries, Portuguese company incorporation process is no longer a bureaucratic struggle.

You don’t have to fill out papers, stay in lines or waste time otherwise.
Instead, legal incorporation proceeding may be conducted online by a registered attorney that will act in your behalf in all formal stages of the proceeding.

Client is merely required to enter the incorporation deed, settle the official notary fees, and the company certificate attesting the creation of the company will be issued within 2 to 5 days.

How do I start?

  • Choose a company name
  • Define the company´s scope of business
  • Choose the main office location
  • Choose the company Directors

What documents am I required to present?

  • Copy of company shareholders passport
  • Tax register number (a.k.a. NIF)

What follows? How is the company created?

  • We will draft the notary deed of company incorporation according to your requirements.
  • The company shareholders must enter the deed that will also be notarized by us, and submitted to the register office

With the completion of the register proceeding, the company is created for legal purposes.

What happens next?

  • Company Directors should assure the opening of a company service bank account and hire a chartered accountant to provide accountancy support to the company.

Our firm will provide all necessary assistance for this purpose and help you put the business on the run!

Contact us for further information.


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