It is time to enter your details !

Our system provides you with information, tips, updates and alerts accoridng to the details and information enter. therefore, you are deeply recommended to Complete and update your information and details via the below button.


Further steps relevent to interested in relocation only:

Step 1 - Personal info:

contact and social media iformation

About yourself & Hidden Information : 

*Describe yourself and choose & Choose what personal info not to share with others:

Step 2 - Information related to your needs and relevant countries:

your needs:

* Choose your main target from using our system (select one target. you can change the main target later):

Origin country

* Choose your origin country:

Investments & Targeted Country:

Potential destination country:

Relocation status&Dates:

Destination/Target Country:

Potential destination country:

Tax residency preference in Destination Country:

You are interested to be classified as tax resident in the country.

You are interested to be classified as foreign tax resident in the country.

your classification as Foreign tax resident or Local tax resident in the destination country is not a matter for you. 

are you interested to be classified as Foreign or Local tax resident in the country?

Step 3 - Profession, Occupation & Jop:

Profession, Occupation & Jop:

Step 4 - main relations to countries:

main relations to Origin country:

main relations to destination country:

Business, company or employment in third country

Step 5- Days in each country:

Days in relevant countries by year