

Tax and National Insurance (NIC) payments

Updated to: April 1, 2023

Table of Content


  1. General iformation and business enviroment
  2. Registeration of local companies.
  3. registerantion as self-employed.
  4. applicable Visa and permits.
  5. Ownership of local real estate and companies.
  6. Foreign Tax credit.
  7. pension funds and Plans – At a Glance.


  1. Residency rules and residency certifcates.
  2. Tax Base.
  3. Income tax and capital gains taxes:
    1. Tax rates for ordinary income.
    2. alternative tax method.
    3. Dividend income
    4. Rent income taxes
    5. Capital gain taxes
    6. capital gain tax exemptions and reliefs
    7. Interest income
    8. pension income
    9. taxation of Benefits in kind . relocation grants and Deductable Expenses.
    10. other taxes imposed on individuals
    11. Exemptions and Tax reliefs
    12. Tax reports


  1. Obligation upon emigration
  2. Termination of tax residency 
  3. stop paying taxes and national insurance on your foreign income.
    1. conditions that shall be met
    2. forms and reports shall be submitted
    3. end date of tax residency
  4. Exit tax/departure tax:
  5. selling of your residence after Emigration
  6. taxes on Rsu, shares and optins granted by employer before emigration date.
  7. withdraing pension funds after emigration.


  1. Residency rules, days and tax residency certificates.
  2. Obligation Upon immigration
    1. general summary
    2. tax authorities
    3. national insurance 
    4. Municipality
    5. immigration authority
  3. New residents/immigrants – Exemption, tax reliefs and incentives.
    1. mandatory approvals / certificates needed for the exemptions
    2. exemptions related to salaries from local anf foreign employers
    3. business income and free lancers
    4. companies abroad
    5. dividend income
    6. capital gains
  4. special tax issues regarding income and asset you still hold in your origin country:
    1. RSU, Shares and options
    2. residential apartment
    3. Business and companies in your origin country
    4. pension funds and pension income
    5. relocation grants
    6. step-up regarding asset you purchased before relocation.


    1. General Rules
    2. taxes on grant date
    3. taxes on vesting date
    4. taxes on exercise date
    5. taxes on sale
    6. taxation of options and shares granted before immigration
    7. taxation of options and shares granted before leaving the country
    8. allocation profits between countries.


    1. National insurance and health system
    2. liable person to pay national insurance
    3. eligable people
    4. coverage starting date
    5. payments and rates:
      1. Employee
      2. Employer
      3. Self employed


    1. National insurance and health system
    2. liable person to pay national insurance
    3. eligable people
    4. coverage starting date
    5. payments and rates:
      1. Employee
      2. Employer
      3. Self employed


  1. Tax residency of companies and tax certificate
  2. taxable income & international tax base
  3. foreign tax credit
  4. standard tax rates & special tax rates
  5. capital gain
  6. exemptions and reliefs
  7. branch tax
  8. Exit Tax.
  9. dividend tax allocated to local and foreign shareholders
  10. withholding tax
  11. tax reports.

 Go to this topic:

  1. Withholding tax from dividend income to individuals and companies.
  2. services
  3. interest
  4. royalties
  5. pension income
  6. rental income.


  1. VAT rates
  2. vat on providing services abroad or to foreign clients
  3. vat on products
  4. vat on real estate income
  5. exemptions and zero vat


  1. Genral description of gift and estate tax.
  2. vlocal assets
  3. foreign assets
  4. assets subject to tax
  5. how this tax is calculated?
  6. Tax rates
  7. exemptions and reliefs
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